In the past

Multiples events were held until now with city (ex.: Cyclovia Le sud-Ouest), green advocacy organisation (ex.: eco-center) and community organisation (ex.: public market).

We thank for their contribution to the Convergence project les P'tits Marchés de Lachine, l'Éco-Quartier de Lachine, le GRAM, Pause Parent-Enfant de Verdun, Cyclovia de Montreal  Sud-Ouest, les moment musicaux de Lachine and all the other. We took your comment and recommandations to make an improved version of the system and service offering. 


InerScience now plan new free events with the improved version of the stability augmentation system and test track

New event starting in september will be announced to showcase the potential of the new commercial version of the system augmenting the stability.

There is also a Canada tour planned 

The exact dates will be posted soon. We are still open to add stop in our tour so please fill the survey (The survey) and the form (Propose an event). We are looking for influencer, under-represented community (woman, immigrant... ), E-bike manufacturer, university researcher, city organisations and other member interested to contribute to Convergence project.