You are invited to propose events 

There is no such a thing as a a one size fit all. We look for the creation of events with 20 participent. Smaller group are also accepted if you are from an underrepresented community in the cycling world such as woman, immigrant, commuter with kids or cargo or in the winter... 

Do not hesitate if you are representing one of theses groups, we can adapt an event tailored to your needs.

We thank you in advance for taking part in this project, helping zero emission vehicle to reach more people with better solutions.

Most event include test and meeting (organised or informal). 

Contact us to discuss what option is most suited to your needs.

Test Type 1

Without Reservation

To reach underrepresented community

Offered at a specific location for 3-8 hours

30-60 minutes rides without reservation

Test Track to measure stability and agility

Small survey to complete at the end

Test Type 2 

With Reservation 

To test efficiently with large groups 

Offered at a specific location for 3-8 hours

30 minutes rides with reservation 

Test Track to measure stability and agility

Small survey to complete at the end

Test Type 3 

Long Duration 

To test the impact on the habits 

For individuals or commercial event

Offered for up to a week 

Recording GPS and IMU data

Long survey to complete at the end

Meeting Type 2 

For targeted small group with specific informations

Usually offered with Test Type 2

15 minute presentation 

Printed documents and video presentation available

Meeting Type 3

To present the project's information

Offered with Test Type 1-3

15 minute presentation

For corporate or public speech 

Meeting Type 1

Individualised and personalised

Usually with Test Type 1

15 minutes discussion

Link to videos, web page and documents available

​​To propose an event, start by filling the survey by clicking here (SurveyQuestionaire) and fill the form below. We will get back to you!
Please Fill the survey to help us understand who you are and your specific need. It is available under